
Developmental Disabilities in Adults and Care Plan Tips

The needs of adults with developmental disabilities can vary. This means that the
care plan for our loved one’s case of developmental disability can also differ.
Sometimes, they can stand on their own. They can improve more and be
independent as they continue with therapy and treatment. Other times, they can
call for a more specialized set of care, yet still continue to live with us. In other cases,
long-term residential care is necessary. This can depend on the quality of life that our
loved one has at the present. We should also consider the growing needs of our loved

We’ve gathered tips that can be helpful in planning the care for our elderly loved ones with
developmental disabilities.

  1. Review long-term care guidelines provided by the state: Information about rights and provisions helps keep our loved ones safe. It guides us on qualities to look for in a residential home. Our loved ones
    can have complex needs. Seeing these necessities provided is of utmost importance.
  2. Ask for the physician’s advice: Our loved one’s attending physician may be able to tell us on the direction and the options we can take in long-term care. Based on the physician’s
    recommendations, we can further plan and coordinate with other health care professionals about our loved one’s long-term care plan.
  3. Contact care coordinators: Looking for residential homes in Wasilla, Alaska can be made easier with the help of a care coordinator. Care coordinators can help lay down the best possible option for our loved ones’ care needs. They can answer our questions and give us a realistic view of what’s going to happen when our loved one transitions to long-term residential care.
  4. Consider Medicaid waiver services: We can’t always sustain our loved one’s needs on our own, especially when it comes to long-term care. Check for your state’s eligibility requirements. This can help us provide our loved ones with quality care at a price we can sustain.

Considering our best possible options help us and our loved ones with the transitions they may go through such as residential care. Bright Horizon
Homes helps you plan for your loved one’s long-term care. We provide developmental disability care services in Alaska. Coordinate with us today.